Login by browser 

Production environment:  https://live.buyingteams.com/sign-in

Development / Test environment:  https://dev.app.buyingteams.com/sign-in

Online version is compatible with Google Chrome and Edge, newest versions. 

Your account may not be registered in development environment, contact CXFacts for access. 


BI Dashboard includes data and graphs about your customers

Product area dashboard shows data and graphs about your individual product areas (such as Trade Finance or Cash Management) 

Customer dashboard shows data and graphs about an individual customer

Feedback screen provides information about feedback sessions the bank has created. 

Requests are sent with different priorities, such as:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Normal 
  • Low

Requests can be replied and closed. 

Requests from customers are shown to users that have followed the specific customer. Users can also follow product area or countries associated with the bank.

Ideas can be sent by the customers.

Ideas can be liked and commented by other employees in the company that sent the idea. 

Ideas can be replied and closed.

Ideas from customers are shown to users that have followed the customer or a product area, country associated with the customer.

Reports is divided into two categories:

Market reports (public reports) that benchmark and compare data against other banks. Can be shared and downloaded.

Custom reports (internal reports) generated by real-time data based on input on report generator screen. Can be shared and downloaded.

Customer screen is an overview of active customers using CXFacts. 

Follow and un-follow customers that you want data from on your dashboard.

Search and filters to easily find correct customer.

User settings allows users to update their profile/account:

  • Full name
  • Avatar / Profile picture
  • Position
  • Associated countries
  • Associated product areas
  • Email and push notifications delivery

Bank settings allows admins to update the bank settings:

  • Bank name
  • Bank logo
  • Product areas
  • Countries
  • User Management (add/edit/delete users)
  • User inactivity policy (automatic deletion policy)
  • GDPR export  

API allows the bank to access CXFacts data. 

API documentation is updated on www.buyingteams.com/api

CXFacts offers support within business hours:

Monday – Friday from 8AM till 5PM. 

Support is offered by e-mail, chat and phone.

Urgent incidents or support outside business hours also possible against support charge.

Type of accounts


Role: Standard bank user
Permissions: See and interact with followed customers
Conditions: Invited by admin / bank

Role: Product owner/CXFacts admin
Permissions: See and interact with all customers. Change bank data and policies. Add, edit or delete users and customers.  
Conditions: Invited by CXFacts or upgraded by an existing admin

Data Privacy and collection

We ensure data governance by strict data privacy and collection. We only collect the absolute necessary to handle feedback on your behalf.

All data-processing agreements are regulated between CXFacts and your bank directly. Please contact us if need further information.

Sub-contractors: Amazon Web Services

All servers and databases are located in AWS in Frankfurt, Germany. ISO-certified and with highest up-times. 

Energy are sourced from green-energy providers and all hardware have been CO2 compensated. 100% CO2 neutral.

Read more:  https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/gdpr-center/

Terms & Conditions for your customers

All users of CXFacts platform are governed by the same T&C, doesn’t matter if invited by your bank or signed up on their own. 

Please find below the updated T&C for your customers:

Privacy Policy:  https://cxfacts.com/privacy/

Terms & Conditions:  https://cxfacts.com/terms/

GDPR-Agreement:  https://cxfacts.com/data/

Cookie policy:  https://cxfacts.com/cookies/

In case of any questions, issues regarding the CXFacts platforms, please contact CXFacts support line by:

Email: hello@cxfacts.com

Phone: (+45) 69 17 30 01